Code of practice and regulation

Codes of practice and regulation

PRS are the Performing Rights Society Alliance, they have a relationship with the Mechanical Copyright Protection Society which is another legal production based organisation. What they share in common is that they are both based around production laws. PRS is based around the copyright of artists such as actors, musicians etc. The difference between performing rights to mechanical rights is that mechanical rights pays directly to the songwriter, composer or publisher when music is reproduced in a different way for example a physical product (e.g. CD) or broadcasting or online.
Clearances is when you make sure that you don’t have product placement unless having permission, location permission etc. The main people who need this would be the producer of a production, the reason why it is important is that it makes sure that you can stay protected from legal action from companies, councils, public etc. When making a production you need release form for you talent and location this is because if something happen to the talent or location then you can stay protected also you can be able to use any creation you’ve made using the talent or location.

Bibliography: BBC (2008) Film network - filmMaking - guide - music rights. Available at: (Accessed: 28 April 2016). In-line Citation: (BBC, 2008)

Copyright is when a legal right has been issued to a creator of a piece of print, publish, perform, film, or record literary, artistic, or musical material. It is also assigned to them for a number you years.
1.       The filmmakers should make sure that the shoot location is risk free for the crew.
2.       If anything is dangerous then the film maker should goes through it and either clears it up or makes it safe.
3.       Make sure that there is a crew member that is experienced and knows where the hazards are.
4.       Talk through the hazards with the crew to see what can be improved health and safety wise.

Bibliography: BBC (2008) Film network - filmMaking - guide - health & safety. Available at: (Accessed: 28 April 2016). In-line Citation: (BBC, 2008)

The reason why insurance is important is that you can be protected from any compensation claims against you, for example if one of your talent falls over the lighting wire and brakes their arm then you covered to pay their compensation if legal action is taken against you.

Bibliography: BBC (2008) Film network - filmMaking - guide - insurance. Available at: (Accessed: 28 April 2016). In-line Citation: (BBC, 2008)

 Regulatory bodies

Ofcom is the national communication regulator which regulate TV, radio and video on demand sectors, fixed line telecoms, mobile, postal services and the airwave over which wireless devices operate. They would become involved in my production would be when I put it up on YouTube or if it got displayed in TV.
BBFC are the British Board of Film Classification, they are responsible for the national classification and censorship of films in Britain. The BBFC can cancel or take down any film in Britain if it is not up to censorship standard. They could impact my productions if I am showing drugs or alcohol in the production this is because I am legally not allowed to either drink alcohol or consume drugs/ have possession on them.

Bibliography: About the BBFC (no date) Available at: (Accessed: 4 May 2016). In-line Citation: (About the BBFC, no date)

Trade unions

BECTU is a trade union consisting of broadcasters, entertainers, cinematographers and theatres. BECTU have around 26,000 members in the union. This union represents contractors, freelancers and staff that work in productions, they are mainly based in the UK. This union is important for any person who wants to be involved into filmmaking because they can help the members get better pay, working condition and the contracts with their employers can be negotiated. Plus they can provide guidance and advice to members. For new people in the filmmaking department they can suggest training courses as well.

Bibliography: BECTU, 2016 (1997) About BECTU. Available at: (Accessed: 4 May 2016). In-line Citation: (BECTU, 1997)

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